Manna from Heaven Oct 16, 2019 We live in âInteresting Timesâ. The Chinese curse sort of Interesting Times. Times when there is something interesting to write...
The Emperor Wears No Clothes Sep 24, 2019 CAN Co-Founder Jack Herer exposed the extent to which the US Government went to erase our history with this plant in his Book by the same title. FLCAN President Ethel Rowland talks about the current state of affairs in Florida.
CanTalk: ABC’S of CBD Sep 23, 2019 Cannabis as a plant has over 100 active Cannabinoids found to date with some theraputic value. With this growing number...
What happens when all the Flowers are gone? Sep 23, 2019 Cannabis 201 FLCAN.ORG Education and Service. Containers: What happens when the flowers are gone? ___ By Joshua Lavy As a...
Celebrating the FMCCE Jul 17, 2019 Spread across two days during the event our membership and leaders were able to educate hundreds of individuals about the benefits of this plant…